Cambridge Community MenzShed
Over the past 12 months myself and several other older men in the community have been very involved in getting the Cambridge Community MenzShed up and running. There was a MenzShed at Resthaven Retirement Village in Cambridge until approximately 5 years ago when it was closed down for various reasons.
The current Cambridge Community MenzShed has started from scratch and to date we have signed up 40 Members and in recent times have been progressing through the necessary steps to establish the Shed here in Cambridge, which involved becoming an Incorporated Society and a Registered Charity, plus opening a Bank Account. We have held our inaugural AGM and elected the officers to run the organisation and have members who have established a Website and are working on other media profiles.
There are over 100 MenzSheds throughout NZ and the aim of the Shed is to promote older men’s health and wellbeing. The concept of a MenzShed is to bring men together in one community space to share their skills in a workshop environment, which can be anything from woodworking, engineering, automotive or crafts. The aim is to have some fun, fellowship and do something worthwhile with your retirement, by working on practical tasks individually (personal projects) or as a group for the shed or the community. The sort of projects a shed tackles is entirely up to the shed concerned, however most sheds around New Zealand take on some community projects, examples of which include building playgrounds for pre-school centres, repairing toy library stock, repairing old bikes for distribution to poorer communities, small to medium furniture repairs for those in our community who can’t do that themselves, or building planter boxes for the main street of the local central business district, and the list goes on.
The shed is a great place for members to learn new skills. There might be builders teaching engineers some of their skills and vice versa, or Accountants/Lawyers/other professionals being shown a plethora of skills they never had the opportunity to learn in their working life. Some sheds have women members or have sessions catering for women who wish to acquire new skills and get involved in personal or community projects. There are a wide range skills the members have which have been amassed over a lifetime, and a lot of them are keen to impart those skills to the younger generation through formal workshops teaching specific skill sets either on a one on one basis or as a class. We see this as particularly important as a lot of those practical skills are being lost with High Schools no longer putting an emphasis on woodworking and engineering.
We have now secured a Community Lease on a Waipa District Council property on the corner of Lamb & Carlyle Street in Leamington which is an old Dairy Factory. The property is in a bad state of repair and needs work to bring it up to a habitable standard, which is our next major task. Once that is completed the building will make an excellent MenzShed being some 280-300m2 allowing us to create a workshop that the Community can be proud of.
Meet some of the team
Collectively, the group at Cambridge Menzshed have more years of experience between them than you could poke a stick at, and that was before we tackle any projects.
If you have something in mind, contact the shed and we will help if we can.

Champion Barry
The Lathe King
Barry is a local man who has spent many years working on the land. He ran a successful timber business for 20 years. When he retired he turned to his hobby of woodturning and became proficient enough to open a very successful Gallery selling his products and taking on commission work, including products for Hobbiton. He has a strong knowledge of wood and woodworking machinery

Champion Museo
Shed Secretary
Myles Prebble has for many years been actively involved in the construction
and property business both in NZ and overseas. He has now retired and lives
in Cambridge where he is pursuing an interest in making musical instruments,
specifically electric solid body guitars. His interest in Menzshed was
sparked mid 2023 when he realised that there was no longer a Shed in
Cambridge. He is a keen DIYer and a woodworker.

Champion Doer-upper
Shed Chairman
Mike Gast has been in NZ since 2016. He has been a hobby woodworker and spare time doer-upper all his life. In the UK he was involved with his local Repair Cafe and since coming to NZ following retirement has been a member of Otorohanga and Chair of the Te Kuiti MenzSheds. His Shed interests are in furniture making and repair and he has a small home workshop

Champion Good Ideas
Website Manager
Im Andrew and I dabble in this and that, slightly technical minded.
I love to hoard I've been told. I enjoy being creative, reading and finding history. I appreciate art in all forms, Love retro toys and metal detecting.

Champion 4
Good Bloke
Has a broard range of experience, from small machines to construction.

Champion 5
Good Bloke
Great off-site supporter.
Are you wanting to become a Member?
Registered Charity
We are a registered charity. Established in 2024
We are affiliated to Menzshed New Zealand and are an incorporated society, number 50197235 and registered charity, number CC62000.
MenzShed New Zealand
We are an affiliate of MenzShed New Zealand.