We are closed for the holidays from 13th Dec. 2022 until 2nd Feb. 2023

Myles Prebble 021 165 0990

CCM Membership Information

We now have a membership application form for anyone wishing to join the Cambridge Community MenzShed (CCM).

If you would like to join we request you read our CCM Constitution and Code of Conduct (on the right) as you have to agree to these as a requirement when signing the form.

Once you have read the  Constitution please click on the application button which will take you to the form to be filled out.

There is a joining fee of $50 which can be paid directly into the Cambridge Community MenzShed bank account (02-0300-0239638-000 ). When making your payment online please ensure you type under 'Code' ( the number '2') and under 'Reference' (your 'Surname').

Thank you

We look forward to seeing you at our meetings and the shed, from the CCM team.If you are considering becoming a member of the CCM team hear are a few things to consider.

  • This section could be used for any information about your business. It could be used to introduce the story of the history/background of the business, the team or your key strengths or services. The picture could feature your team, your project work, the owners of the business or your products.